Dressed Up

Perhaps surprisingly, it did not take us very long to settle on wedding dress decisions. Lindsey bought her wedding dress a few months ago (on sale, as it happened to luck out).

Hello Kitty is very cute.

I bought mine on Tuesday. If you are in the innest inner circle, maybe you have seen them. (I’m sure you can confirm or deny Hello Kitty rumors.) The dresses are on the very short list of Things I Can’t Put on the Blog, so I can’t post pictures or say much else.

So, Lindsey never gets this question (maybe I’m wrong!), but I get it a lot. Are you going to wear a dress? And yes, yes I am. I’m hot good lookin’ in a dress.

Okay. Maybe I am a little dykey.

At Oggi's in Guangzhou, after "gay prom".

I heart men’s clothing. Actually, it took me kinda a long time to figure out that I’m gay, because I think guys are really attractive. It took me a while to realize that I want to be sexy like a man, not have sex with a man. And when I finally learned what “transgender” was, things became a lot clearer for me. No, I’m not trans, but it did take me a minute figure out also that while I want to dress like a man, I don’t want to be a man.

So, if I dress like a dude 90% of the time, love men’s clothes, and would rather spend $100 on Cole Haan shoes than makeup brushes, what’s the deal with wearing a dress at my wedding? It’s a lot of smaller reasons. I actually kind of like wearing dresses. Finally, after years and years of resenting them, I like it. Now, I get to choose when and if I wear a dress (and I rarely do). I like that I look good in a dress, and I will wear them for the right occasion. I like looking like I’m getting married. I also like proving to people that I can– I can wear a dress as good as you, I can walk in heels. (And I have some fierce looking legs when I wear heels, for the record.) I can be a woman and wear men’s clothing, and I can be butch and wear a dress. I feel more like I’m cross-dressing in a dress than I ever do in a tie, but I can work it queen, *snap*snap*snap.

I can’t do my makeup though; Lindsey does that for me.

For more stylish ‘mos, you can check out a few of the hip butch/dyke fashion sites on our fair internet:
The Sartorial Butch (who also just got married!)
Dapper Q
Dyke Republic‘s Fashion tab
Butch Style

2 responses to “Dressed Up

  1. My mom’s wife wore a white wedding dress to their wedding (mum wore a shiny satin amazingness that was lovely but not a stereotypical wedding dress) and she rocked it! Jeanne will wear dresses for special occasions (weddings, funerals, etc) but usually is much more comfortable in, well, your wardrobe, sans ties. I thought it made perfect sense, and she looked gorgeous. Sometimes menswear on women looks right at a wedding, but sometimes you just need a good frock. Can’t wait to see the dresses–I’ll go buy some sanrio to fit in better….

  2. McDonald’s Happy Meals come with Sanrio watches right now! True story.

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